Office: Center for Marine Science 1328 and DL122
Phone: 962-2350
Office Hours: 10:45 AM - 1:00 PM and 4:15 - 5:15 PM T-Th (or by appointment)
Web Page:
Earth Sciences Department:
Textbook: Essentials of Oceanography (8th edition) by Trujillo and Thurman
Academic Honor Code: The University's Honor Code is enforced in this class. Please do your own work. Complete details of the Code are in the current Student Handbook.
Grading: Grades will be based on :
The three (3) highest grades out of four (4) partial exams (100 pts each). The final exam (100 pts) is the fourth (4th) partial exam and is not cumulative. In other words, you are allowed to miss one (1) of four exams without penalty or you can take all four exams and I will only count the highest three (3) scores. Total possible exam score = 300 points.
Exams will cover information presented in lecture and in the textbook. The format for the exams will be multiple choice, true/false.
There will be no make up exams. If you are unable to attend one of the four scheduled exams, this will be the one exam (out of four) that will be dropped. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS.
You can better prepare for tests by taking the online exams available at the following web site:
1) ONLINE EXAMS Thurman & Trujillo 8th Edition text "Essentials of Oceanography"
Extra Credit of 5 percentage points will be added to one exam score. Several options for obtaining 5 points extra credit will be discussed in class. Maximum possible extra credit = 5 pts.
Extra Credit is due no later than Thursday, April 21 (Last lecture)
Extra Credit option 1: Read Discussion section and Answer questions in the "Analysis 1" section from one (1) of the eight (8) “Environmental issues in oceanography” presented in the "Environmental issues in oceanography" workbook and/or website that accompanies your textbook. Answers can be neatly hand written or typed in space provided on the answer sheet. (Use Workbook answer sheet OR print answer sheet from website).
Extra Credit Option 2: Attend a Masters of Science Thesis Defense and write a 2 page (double spaced) summary of the seminar (see me for schedule)
Extra Credit Option 3: Attend a seminar given in any science departments (Geology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics) and write a 2 page (double spaced) summary of the seminar (see me for schedule):
Biological Sciences Seminar Series
Physics and Physical Oceanography Seminar Series
Course letter grades will be assigned as follows:
Percentage Score | Final Grade |
100 - 91 | A |
90.9 - 88 | A- |
87.9 - 84.1 | B+ |
84 - 80.1 | B |
80 - 77 | B- |
76.9 - 73.1 | C+ |
73 - 68 | C |
67.9 - 66 | C- |
65.9 - 63.1 | D+ |
63 - 59 | D |
58.9 - 55 | D- |
54.9 - 0 | F |
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